
Longsword Ventures Ltd, advised by Arthur Breitman, invests in promising companies at all stages but particularly early-stage. We pride ourselves in strategically helping founders beyond capital.

A few quotes from founders we backed:

Arthur has a clear mind that startles easily across the span of our project. From deep his understanding of the importance of topology of interaction in distributed computing to how human sentiment drives behaviour and economies. Every meeting I have with Arthur is filled with gifts of insights that help us make better decisions.

β€” Hilmar Petursson, CCP Games, EVE token

Arthur understands how modern neural networks work and has a clear perspective on where AI is going. Playing idea ping pong with him is both productive and fun. He also knows everyone - Arthur introduced us to key investors who ended up leading our our Series B.

β€” Eric Steinberger, Magic AI

Arthur is an exceptionally thoughtful investor and partner. He has provided direct product feedback for our cloud because he’s an engineer. He has also provided strategic finance advice and suggestions that we successfully implemented to fund Lambda Cloud. Arthur is that rare combination of engineering mindset, successful founder, and business savvy. I highly recommend working with him.

β€” Stephen Balaban, Lambda

A few of our investments: